
A reduced Helvetica virtual font (at ${\frac{7}{8}}$ normal size) has been used for ; I have chosen to do this because of numerous complaints that the Helvetica ``looked too big'' when placed next to Times; the x-height of 10pt Helvetica is much bigger than the x-height of 10pt Times (5.25pt versus 4.48pt). I do not know if I have committed some sort of typographer's cardinal sin; comments from the knowledgeable would be appreciated.1 If you want to normalize things, substitute helvetica for helveticareduced in the part of fontdef.psl that invokes \sansfont.

A similar decision was made in condensing the Courier font. If you want unmodified Courier as the default font, change the series settings for courier in the lfonts.psl file so that what were previously ``medium'' ({m}) and ``bold'' ({b}) become ``medium semi-condensed'' ({sc}) and ``bold semi-condensed'' ({bsc}), and what were previously ``medium semi-extended'' ({sx}) and ``bold semi-extended'' ({bsx}) become ``medium'' ({m}) and ``bold'' ({b}).

I have tried to follow the scheme described by Karl Berry for naming TFM files, but one irregularity is worth mentioning: There is no space in the scheme for the encoding vector used. The TFM files distributed with dvips use TEX encoding, which is unsuitable for use with . To distinguish my TFM files, I have appended a 0 to the base part of the filename.

It is now possible to make ``sans-serif LAEMTEMEXEEMX'' (based on Helvetica), ``Palatino LAEMTEMEXEEMX'', etc., by using the commands described in the accompanying documentation. To do the job properly, a format designer should be consulted to set new page sizes, line widths, etc., ...volunteers are welcome!